well hello guys, if your still here I want you to add me on Skype or Runescape. If you have any questions about the sever talk to me on Skype and I'll give you all the information I got from Drew. And yes, just maybe sever will get back on this year. If not, I'm sorry everyone and so is Drew (Will thats what I think : p)
Runescape NAME: Hempster2
Skype Name: Whatzup noobz <------ I got a picture of a the grand cannon XD or just rocks idk.
You can also add me on
www.Hotmail.com: Simsio300@hotmail.com Sincerely: Mod/Admin Simsio1
P.S krazyy if ur there download skype or get on runescape and add me. Have to talk to you about the sever. ITS good NEW